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TTTLE: Mid-Night. Also available on mp3 (downloadable)

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TITLE: Perilous Times Are Here. Available on mp3 (downloadable)

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TITLE: Spiritual Inquest.
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TOPIC: The challenge before us. (downloadable)

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TITLE:The problem of Nigeria


TITLE: The weapons of costly sacrifices


TITLE: Christian marriage


TITLE: Your Finishing Vs Your Beginning


TITLE: Your Commitment Vs Your Miracle


Title:You must get there

Title: You are the salt of the earth.

Title: You are the light of the world. pt1

title: You are the light of the world. pt2

Title: You are the light of the world. Pt3

Title: You are the light of the world. Pt4

Title:This Scripture

Title: This Is Serious

Title: There Is Still Hope

Title:The Last Option:

Title: The Greatest Omission Pt1

Title: The Greatest Omission Pt2

Title: The Ultimate Challenge Pt1

Title: The Ultimate Challenge Pt2

Title: The True Mark Of A Christian Pt1

Title: The great harvest.

Title: The Great Challenge.Pt1

Title: The great challenge. Pt2

Title:The Foundation For New Year Blessings

Title: The Forgotten Church Dogma Pt 1

Title: The Forgotten Church Dogma Pt 2

Title:The True Mark Of A Christian Pt2

Title: The True Mark Of A Christian Pt3

Title: The True Mark Of A Christian Pt4

Title:The True Mark Of A Christian Pt5

Title: The State Of The Church

Title: The Spiritual Equation For Prosperity

Tttle: Wrestling That Ends Your Struggling

Title: Worthy of Manifestation Of His Glory

Title: Why He Came? Pt1

Tttle: The Sermon That Brings Revival

Title: THE Rewards Of Disobedience To God. Pt1

Title: THE Rewards Of Disobedience To God. Pt2

Title: Victory From Secret Place

Title: Almighty God

Title: Unpopular Gospel

Title: Why He Came? Pt2

Title: Why Are You The Way You're?

Title: Whose Image Do You Carry?

Title: The Rebellious Worshippers.Pt1

Title: The Rebellious Worshippers.Pt2

Title: The Purpose In Ministry

Title: The Prophets And The Prophet Of The Lord Pt1

Title: The Prophets And The Prophet Of The Lord Pt2

Title:The Prophets And The Prophet Of The Lord Pt3

Title: Who Is On The Lord's Side? Pt1

Title: Who Is On The Lord's Side? Pt2

Title: Who Is On The Lord's Side? Pt3

Title: The Prophets And The Prophet Of The Lord Pt4

Title: The Prophets And The Prophet Of The Lord Pt4

Title:The Power Of Obedience Pt1.

Title: The Power Of Obedience Pt2.

Title: The Power Of Choice Pt1.

Title:The Power Of Choice Pt2

Title: Total Deliverance

Title: Timely Warning Pt1

Title: Timely Warning Pt2

Title: The Power Of Choice Pt3

Title: The Power Of Choice Pt4

Title:The Mind Of Christ Pt1

Title: The Mind Of Christ Pt1b

Title: The Mind Of Christ Pt2

Title: The Master Is Here

Title: Who Is At Your Gate?

Title: Who IS A Disciple?

Title: Who's Image Is On You1 ?

Title: Time To Pray Is Now. Wailing Women 2016

Title: Thomas And The Pretenders

Title: This Union Must Be Dissolved.?

Title: Where Is Mephibosheth?

Title: When Women Visit The King.

Title: When The Crowd Is Irrelevant?

Title: When God Is Angry Pt1.

Title: When God Is Angry Pt2.

Title: What Stopped The Rain

Title: What Is Written?

Title: What Are You Full Of? Pt1

Title: What Are You Full Of Pt2

Title: What Actually Is Born Again Pt2

Title: What Actually Is Born Again Pt1

Title: What Are You Full Of Pt3

Title: Wake Up Call

Title: Vigilance

Title: Victory Through Prayer

Title: Who's Image Is On You Pt2 ?

Also Available For Download

Title: Who Are You?

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Title: Where Is Your Attention?

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TITLE: The Deadliest Famine Pt1

TITLE: The Deadliest Famine Pt2

TITLE:The day of the lord.


TOPIC: The Blessing For Shinning For God

TOPIC: The authority of the believer.

TOPIC: The attitude of the church to sin.

TOPIC: Let's Do The Talk Pt3.

TOPIC: The 4-Way Test Pt3

TOPIC: The 4-Way Test Pt1

TOPIC: The 4-Way Test Pt2

TOPIC: The 4-Way Test Pt3

TOPIC: Let's Do The Talk Pt1.

TOPIC: Let's Do The Talk Pt2.

TOPIC: Let's Do The Talk Pt3

TOPIC: Let's Do The Talk Pt4

TOPIC: Let's Do The Talk Pt5

TOPIC: Let's Do The Talk Pt6

TOPIC: The 4-Way Test Pt4

TOPIC:That Day

TOPIC: Take Heed

TOPIC:Surviving And Succeeding In This Generation Pt1

TOPIC:Surviving And Succeeding In This Generation Pt2

TOPIC:Surviving And Succeeding In This Generation Pt3

TOPIC: Stop Deceiving Yourself

TOPIC: Securing Your Divine Inheritance

TOPIC:Revisiting Our Foundation Pt1

TOPIC: Revisiting Our Foundation Pt2

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TOPIC: Revisiting Our Foundation Pt3

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TOPIC: Revisiting Our Foundation Pt4

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TOPIC: Revisiting Our Foundation Pt5

TOPIC: Repentance, Restoration And Resistance Pt1

TOPIC: Repentance, Restoration And Resistance Pt2

TOPIC: Repentance, Restoration And Resistance Pt3

TOPIC: Repentance, Restoration And Resistance Pt4

TOPIC: Repentance, Restoration And Resistance Pt5

TPOIC:Repentance And Revival

TOPIC: Resisting The Band Wagon Spirit Pt2

TOPIC: Repentance And Revival

TOPIC: Remove The Tares Now

TOPIC: Rain Of God's Glory

TOPIC: Purpose And Assignment

TOPIC: Pretenders In The Church

TOPIC: Preparing For The Great Harvest

TOPIC: Preparing For His Second Coming Pt1

TOPIC: Preparing For His Second Coming Pt2

TOPIC: Preparing For His Second Coming Pt3

TOPIC: Preparing For His Second Coming Pt4

TOPIC: Praying With Authority

TOPIC: Prayer That Produces Result.

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TOPIC: Pray Without Season.

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TOPIC: Pray Without Season.

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TOPIC: Possessing The Gate Of Your Enemy.

TOPIC: Place Of Integrity By Bishop Aloysius Agbo.

TOPIC: Peace Be Still Day3.

TOPIC: Peace Be Still Day2.

TOPIC: Paying The Price For Peace

TOPIC: Outstanding Miracle Pt1

TOPC: Outstanding Miracle Pt2

TOPC: Outstanding Miracle Pt3

TOPC: Outstanding Miracle Pt4

TOPC: Mother's.

TOPC: More Dangerous Than Cancer.

TOPC: Misplaced Priority Pt1

TOPC: Misplaced Priority Pt2

TOPC: Ministerial Secret .

TOPC: Ministerial Secret 1.

TOPIC: Others May But I Cannot Pt1

TOPIC: Others May But I Cannot Pt2

TOPIC: Others May But I Cannot Pt3

TOPIC: Others May But I Cannot Pt4

TOPIC: Others May But I Cannot Pt4

TOPIC: Others May But I Cannot Pt5

TOPIC: Others May But I Cannot Pt6

TOPIC: Old Strategy.

TOPIC: Ofala Igwe Obike.

TOPIC: No Longer Infants Pt1.

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TOPIC: No Longer Infants Pt2.

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TOPIC: No Longer Infants Pt3.

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TOPIC: Message

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TOPIC: Loop 1

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TOPIC: Live Praise.

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TOPIC: Leaving All To Follow Jesus Pt1.

TOPIC: Laying A Strong Foundation.

TOPIC: Last Chance

TOPIC: Laboure’s In God's Vineyard.

TOPIC: Knowing When To Say No Pt1

TOPIC: Knowing When To Say No Pt2.

TOPIC: Knowing When To Say No Pt3.

TOPIC: It Is Still Possible Pt1.

TOPIC: It Is Still Possible Pt2.

TOPIC: It Is Still Possible Pt3

TOPIC: It Is Still Possible Pt4

TOPIC: It Is Here Again Pt1.

Topic: It Is Here Again Pt2.

Topic: Intro And Outro

Topic: Identify Your Heart.

Topic: Heathens In Church Uniform Pt41

Topic: Heathens In Church Uniform Pt42.

Topic: Heathens In Church Uniform Pt3.

Topic: Go Forward.

Topic: Fear Not It Is The Year Of The Lord.

Topic: Exemplary Christian Mother Pt1.

Topic: Heathens In Church Uniform Pt4

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Topic: Harvest Of Miracle.

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Topic: Greatest Denial.

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Topic: Effective Communication.

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Topic: Driving Away The Vultures;

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Topic:Demolition Of Illegal Structures.

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Topic: Dec 2015

Topic: Dealing With Your Dellila Pt1

Topic: Dealing With Your Dellila Pt2

Topic: After Death What Next.

Topic: Acting On The Word Of God.

Topic:Acting On The Word Of God .

Topic: Dealing With Your Dellila Pt3

Topic: Dealing With Your Dellila Pt4

Topic: Dealing With Spirit Of Desperation Pt1

Topic: Dealing With Spirit Of Desperation Pt2

Topic: Dealing With Spirit Of Desperation Pt3

Topic: Day 2 Igboukwu

Topic: Dangerous Yet Popular Pt1

Topic: Dangerous Yet Popular Pt2.

Topic: Dangerous Gospel

Topic: Abuse Of Mercy.

Topic: Aba Day1.

Topic: 2018 Clergy's Retreat Closing Charge .

Topic: Are You Enjoying Or Enduring Marriage P1.

Topic: Are You Enjoying Or Enduring Marriage Pt2.

Topic: Are You Enjoying Or Enduring Marriage Pt3.

Topic: Dangerous Assumption

Topic: Courage 1

Topic: Courage 2

Topic: Are You Enjoying Or Enduring Marriage Pt4.

Topic: Appreciating God's Mercies.

Topic: Almighty God Complete.

Topic: Courage 3

Topic: Courage 4

Topic: Counter Harassment And Counter Attack.

Topic: Dangerous Assumption

Topic: Courage 1

Topic: Courage 2

Topic: Courage 3

Topic: Courage 4

Topic: Counter Harassment And Counter Attack.

Topic: Conformity The Greatest Spiritual Cankerworm Pt 1a

Topic: Conformity The Greatest Spiritual Cankerworm Pt 1b

Topic: Conformity The Greatest Spiritual Cankerworm Pt 2

Topic: Commitment Vs Miracle

topic: Clearing Your Identity Complete

Topic: Citizens And Strangers

Topic:Christianized Idolatry Pt1

Topic: Christianized Idolatry Pt2

Topic: Christianized Idolatry Pt3

Topic: Christianized Idolatry Pt4

Topic:Christian Pegans.

Topic: Christian Marriage Pentagon Pt1

Topic: Christian Marriage Pentagon Pt2.

Topic: Choice

Topic: Checking Your Foundation.

Topic:Blessed Assurance PT12.

Topic: Bishop Ikeakor Talk.

Topic: Beware Of Dogs.

Topic: Chasing The Vultures Away

Topic: Characters Around Palm Sunday

Topic: Characters Around Christmas Pt 1

Topic: Be Careful Satan Can Pay Any Price Pt2.

Topic: Battle For Expansion.

Topic: Attracting The Supernatural Power Of God P1.

Topic: Attracting The Supernatural Power Of God Pt2.

Topic:Attracting The Supernatural Power Of God Pt3.

Topic: Are You Really God's Daughter.

Topic: Characters Around Christmas Pt2.

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Topic: Celebrating Christmas Out Of Context.

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Topic: Carried On The Wings Of Prayer Pt1.

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Topic: TYour Three Enemies To Prosperity Pt1.

Topic: Wailing Women Day2.

Topic: Wailing Women Day4.

Topic: Your Three Enemies To Prosperity Pt2

Topic: Your Three Enemies To Prosperity Pt3

Topic: You Are The Light Of The World.

Topic: Why Should God Bless You.

Topic: Why All These.

Topic: Who Are You Pt1.

Topic: The Spiritual Equation Of Prosperity.

Topic: The Power Of The Family School 1.

Topic: The Power Of The Family School 2.

Topic: Who Are You Pt2.

Topic: Whether You Like It Or Not.

Topic: This Is Serious.